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Car Accident

With Texas annual vehicle miles traveled reaching over 235 billion miles and growing it is no surprise that car accidents are on the rise as well. Based on data from 2011, one person was injured every two and a half minutes due to a vehicle accident and every 83 seconds one reportable crash occurred. This means that in 2011 Texas had 211,006 persons injured in motor vehicle accidents. If you are one of the many who has the unfortunate situation of being in a car accident in the state of Texas, you should not make any a decision to take action until you have spoken with a qualified Texas auto accident attorney.

It isn’t an easy situation, and PRASLA LAW FIRM will be here to ensure you are well taken care of. We are experts in the field and can answer questions regarding your insurance claim as well as advise on a logical timeframe of expectations until we can reach an agreed upon resolution.

During this difficult time after an accident your worries can be set aside. We will provide you with the assistance you need regarding any expenses you might incur, all medical payments and/or property damage as well as the possibility of lost wages. Our Firm will always stand beside you to assist with all the paperwork involved and work hard on your behalf to ensure you get the money you need for medical and auto bills as well as insurance company interactions and charges. Vehicle accidents may be on the rise as more and more motorists are putting cars on the road, but that does not mean that you have to suffer, let us help with your questions and concerns today!

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Brain Injury

Brain injuries are an indescribable pain for individuals and their families. The injuries can vary in severity. They can be mild to severe and can cause memory loss, personality change, behavior dysfunction as well as anger and impaired judgment. It’s no surprise that a person’s brain is the most important organ and injuries to the brain can hinder speech, sensation, interaction and many other functions of the body.

Traumatic brain injuries can results from an external force or jolt to the head and in turn disrupt normal brain function. In Texas, 144,000 Texans sustain a traumatic brain injury each year, which means one in every four minutes. With the national cost of traumatic brain injuries pushing over $75 billion it is no surprise that the costs can be excruciating, just like the pain.

When our clients suffer from brain injuries we get to work immediately to ensure restitution is given. Recovery from brain injuries are difficult and time consuming, medical expenses will climb and recovery time will grow. If you are one of the 275,000 people each year who are hospitalized due to brain injuries and have mounting medical bills without anyone being held accountable, call us to ensure your case is reviewed by a qualified legal professional who will work hard to secure the best care and results for you and your family!

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Texas Truck Accidents and 18 Wheeler Accidents

It is no surprise that one of the scariest situations on the highways today is driving your four door sedan directly next to an 18-wheeler truck. In 2011 Texas reported almost 24000 truck and large commercial vehicle related accidents. Out of those crashes 376 were fatal with over 400 fatalities. It is even scarier to imagine being in an accident with a truck. For most of us, the highway is a routine we cannot avoid, whether it’s to go to work or out for the night. In comparison the truck and trucking companies use the highways as a direct part of their daily job. If you end up in an accident with a truck it’s not just the driver, but the company as well that has to be involved.

Many times the trucks that are in service are not well maintained and this is a key factor in these cases. If a truck that caused an accident did not have its brakes maintained or other safety equipment, not only is the trucking company at fault for the accident but they are also at fault for negligence in maintaining their equipment.

Our Firm understands your rights when it comes to dealing with truck drivers and companies. In some cases the accident may have been caused by a negligent action while driving by the driver of the truck and you deserve the appropriate compensation for lost wages and large medical bills. We will fight for you in and outside the courtroom, with the insurance companies and the truck companies to ensure you get what you are entitled to!

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Wrongful Death

Death is a sad event regardless of the cause. Whether it’s a natural death of a loved one or a death due to illness, they are equally as sad. What may be worse, however, is if the loss of someone you love was due to the negligence of someone else such as a doctor or caretaker. This makes the situation increasingly difficult to deal with for loved ones and incredibly painful.

The after-effects of the wrongful death can not only be emotionally but also physically draining. When your loved one dies due to the negligence of others one of the most devastating aspects is that it could have been prevented. Texas reports that roughly 1,250 wrongful deaths occur each year because of drunk driving. Nationwide, hospital personnel cause approximately 7,000 wrongful deaths due to the error of administering wrong medication.

We understands these pains and is ready and able to help you recover the best way you can. We are experienced to understand that aside from planning the funeral and the emotions you are experiencing, a crime was committed and someone must be held accountable. Many times, hospitals or providers will push to settle out of court to avoid media and other issues, but this may not be your best option and may not be the best way to get compensation for your loss. The problem is that you may be overwhelmed with everything from the death to the paperwork involved and all the administration behind it. Call Our Firm to talk about what happened and we will advise you as to what your options are going forward. Let us handle the paperwork and legal battles while you grieve and recover from your loss.

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Workplace Injury

On the job injuries are difficult to undergo. The major issue is that not only do you have to pay for treatment for the injuries, but since it was during or on the job, you will incur lost wages as well as potential unfair treatment depending on the coverage your employer may or may not have. Our Firm understands that this difficult time requires families to pull together. In 2011 there were almost 3 million recordable cases of injury on the job in Texas. These cases added up to individuals having to loss 900,000 days of work. Can you imagine the salary loss to the family’s effects?

Some employers do not have workers compensation insurance, nonsubscribers, and these are the employers that present the biggest challenges to employees who are injured at work. Although the employer is under a different umbrella of rules and liability, this does not mean that since they are nonsubscribers, there isn’t anything you can do. The workplace is a new world today, from work related violence to machines that assist in our day to day jobs that cause for potential serious injuries without proper maintenance and training. Our Firm will work with you to determine if the employer can be held responsible. We will work to determine negligence on the employers side and how that was the cause of your injury. Call Our Firm to get started immediately!

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